Stopping the Subsystem While Processes are Running

If you attempt to stop the Subsystem while RTSS processes or Windows processes linked to RTX64 are still running, a dialog appears with a list of the running process(s).

NOTE: We recommend you do not stop the Subsystem while processes are running.

You can choose one of three options:

  • Terminate processes – Terminates all running processes using RtTerminateProcess (or TerminateProcess for Windows applications linked to RTX64) in the order they were started before attempting to stop the Subsystem.

NOTE: Internal objects may not be cleaned up correctly when a running process is terminated. This may cause the Subsystem to become unstable.

  • Shut down – Windows processes linked to RTX64 (aka Proxy Process) are terminated before we initiate shutdown handlers for any running real-time processes that have them. All other real-time processes are terminated in the order they were created. Once all shutdown handlers are completed, the Subsystem will continue its shutdown process.

NOTE: There is no way to cancel Subsystem shutdown once it has been initiated. You must wait for all shutdown handlers to complete and the Subsystem to stop. This may take several minutes depending on the behavior of the shutdown handlers and may cause the Subsystem to display an error state. If you encounter Subsystem instability, reboot the system.

  • Cancel – Cancels the forced shutdown operation. This is the recommended method, since it allows you to gracefully shut down processes in the correct order based on process dependencies.

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